Back in the Game!

After a bit of a reading slump, I feel like I'm back on track once more. In the last couple weeks, I've nearly devoured an entire book series! I've not done that in a long while. My wife has been wanting me to read the Percy Jackson series for so long, so I finally caved. I was surprised how much I enjoyed them! They are fun reads and as a lover of mythology, it's fascinating to see how the author's take on the gods and goddesses. I just finished the fourth book today and started the last book. It's nice being able to have the series readily at hand, rather than having to wait for the next one to be released. That is a perk of having waited so long to read it! I also have checked out the next few books to the next series that the author worked on. Me and Makayla are going to read those together, which will be exciting because she hasn't read this particular series yet. Here's hoping I stay on this kick and I can work my way through the pile of books, that have been looking at me for quite some time now!!